plus looking after he poor ol' Grampy." ( Dynamite Digital Comics) She works at the club, on top of her dancing and singing lessons. Koko the Clown: " Sally's right Bimbo, Betty's most likely tuckered out what with the extra shifts.Koko the Clown: " A bowl of hot soup!" ( Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee).Koko the Clown: " I'll save ya!" ( Boop-Oop-a-Doop).Koko the Clown: " I.g.g.gotta get Bimbo the detective." ( The Herring Murder Case).Koko the Clown: " C'mon help!" ( The Herring Murder Case).Koko the Clown: " The poor.H.H.Herring shot?" ( The Herring Murder Case).Koko's one true love is his girlfriend Kokette. In some of the original Betty Boop cartoons, Koko is a background character. In Betty Boop's Hollywood Mystery he has a crush on Lola DaVille. In some of the cartoons Koko finds Betty attractive, whereas in some of his appearances he does not. In some cartoons Koko is sometimes romantically linked to Betty Boop as seen in Betty Boop's Penthouse where he envisions himself marrying her.
In the Betty Boop series he is best friends with Bimbo the dog, and is usually paired up with him. Koko was later merged into the Betty Boop series starting from 1931. It was in a Talkartoons film with Bimbo in the leading role that Betty Boop made her first appearance in 1930 and later became the Studios headliner. The Fleischer Studios launched a new series called Talkartoons featuring a majority of characters including Bimbo who not only replaced Koko’s silent dog friend Fitz, but also had adventures of his own and quickly became a star in his own right. Koko's last silent film was Chemical Koko. After tracing the film footage amounting to 2,500 drawings and a year's work Koko the Clown was born and appeared in a cartoon series titled Out of the Inkwell from 1918-1929. To test out his new invention Fleischer photographed his brother Dave in a clown costume. Koko the Clown originated when Max Fleischer invented the rotoscope, a device which allowed for animation to be more lifelike by tracing motion picture footage of human movement.